Monday, September 12, 2011

Introducing Dakota!

Here is our guardian dog "Dakota". He is 1.5 years old and has experience guarding sheep. He is a wonderful gentle giant that shows a lot of patience with his new flock. We had him tied for his first day in with the sheep so they could get used to each other. Now he is loose during the day (so I can keep and eye on how things are going) and tied overnight. Eventually we will switch that around. He is used to being tied when he is "off duty" as his former owners had a few guardians and they took shifts. Dakota is a Great Pyrenees / Maremma cross. We are very happy with our new addition thus far. One of our lambs actually picked up his paw by the dew claw, went onto nibble his ear and pick up a lip! Dakota's response was a yawn. The lamb then attempted to stick her head in his mouth for a look see. Dakota had to turn his head away from her to close his mouth. My response "WOW, I love this dog".

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