Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sophie had a little girl!!

Here are pictures of Sophie's little girl she is just over an hour old in these pictures. Born today at noon. Cute as can be. She is trying out those legs with some hops and jumps. Landing can pose an issue and she lands on her face or butt. She is spunky and just keeps trying. I just love those long Nubian ears. She will make a fine addition to the milk goats to help produce for the lambs. While the majority of our sheep are great mums there is always the chance for issues. Last year we had bottle lambs due to weather (chilling) and due to triplets in a couple of mums that can only feed 2 and just couldn't keep up with triplets. This brought about the purchase of our first milk goat and now I will be keeping a couple or three girls around (they need each others company) and a buck to cure the bottle lamb milk replacer issue. This little girl is not related to our buck so she will work out just fine.

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